Building FFA Partnerships

In partnership with the NC Wildlife Resources Commission, we are collaboratively working with High School Horticultural Education Programs to increase student’s exposure to native plants, the role they play in a healthy ecosystem, and the opportunities that exist in the propagation of native plant species in North Carolina.

This effort is geared towards providing schools the opportunity to provide a source of native plants that can be used in improving pollinator habitat on the school’s campus and through other community conservation projects, while additionally providing the students with hands on skills that can benefit them in the future when starting their own business propagating native plants. Other benefits to this effort are the improved ecosystems and wildlife habitat, as well as, awareness of the importance that native plants have on the environment.

The Native Plant Propagation Program is funded through donations used as matching dollars for grant funds. If interested, in supporting conservation in schools initiatives please click on the Help Support the Native Plant Project button TODAY!

Help Support the Native Plant Project

Program details

This program is open to teachers working with FFA programs interested in participating in and teaching students the value of native plant propagation. Starting funds are allocated to selected applicants to be used for the purchase of native plant plugs, seed, fertilizer, soil, and propagation supplies. Additionally, a native plant propagation manual and online training access will be provided to each participating school in support of the program and its success.